Sunday, April 13, 2008

I am not certain how to put this

I am, by necessity, a really calm guy. Granted I live a rather unconventional life and truly am a non-conformist.
But  I  have been following the news as it deals with Global Warming, and the disaster we are creating for this planet.
That a once majestic snow capped peak in Africa, famous in song and story, will no longer have its snow cap, Granted it might take another ten years, but it is happening.
That a lush tropic paradise like Southeastern Florida, with canals crisscrossing the terrain, is under drought conditions. And severe water restrictions are in place.
That the Marshall Islands are becoming no longer habitabal land , because all the arable land is being submerged. And islanders are fleeing to Australia and New Zealand.
This is the beginning of a great tragedy on this planet. A Greek tragedy, in a way, but the Chorus is mostly silent.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, April 11, 2008

Why must I do what others do?

I am not your ordinary sort of fellow. I most certainly have not lived a life that comes close to the majority of people.
And still, I am constantly bombarded to look this way, and eat this, and follow that set of instructions, and believe this and believe that. When will people catch on to the fact that for the most part, the main stream of American society is entirely boring.
Just looking at the inane shows on the tube, that someone else told them was a really great show. All of it is nonsense, because it is easier to sit in front of the tube all day long, hypnotized. Becoming so many zombies.

Stop and look what we have become. A nation of utterly stupid people. Oh, not individually mind you, but collectively Americans act, as a whole, very stupidly.

I live in America, I was born in America. I will die in America.

But if what this society has to offer, is all that there is, then I don't want to have any part of it.